How to Care Properly for your Body During this Harmattan Season

How to Care Properly for your Bod

Harmattan is here and there is the need to care properly for your body. With harmattan, the air is dry, dusty and cold. The weather seems harsh to our skin, hair and health. In fact, a number of people tend to fall sick during this period.

In this post, I will be telling you about some things to do if you want to properly take care of your your body during this harmattan season.

Drink a Lot of Water

Yes, you have to. Dehydration is common  during the harmattan period. Your body gets dehydrated faster than you think. Therefore, you have to drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated.

Feed on Fruits

Fruits that contain water will be of great help to you during this period. So you have to get and eat fruits like watermelon, pineapples and oranges. The water in the fruits can also help you stay hydrated.

Use Body and Hair Oil

Body oil as well as hair oil is very important during this dry harmattan period. During harmattan, the weather is cold, dusty and windy. Therefore, our skin becomes dry, cracked and ashy. In fact, the skin loses moisture very fast and becomes dry. As a result, body oil is very important and should always be with you. Always apply body oil to your skin. It helps to keep the skin moisturized. You can add a few drops of body oil in your bathing water or simply mix it with your body cream. Coconut oil is a good choice for body oil.

Just like your skin needs oil, your hair needs oil too to keep it healthy. so apply hair oil and serum to your hair. If you apply hair serum to your hair, it gives your hair a glossy shine and makes your hair stay moisturized.

Apply Lip Gloss or Lip Balm

It is a common sight for the lips to become dry with blisters during the harmattan period. You would have seen some people with broken, bleeding lips during this period. A good way to save your lips from blisters is to apply lip gloss or lip balm. Or you may even choose to apply Vaseline. Always have the lip gloss, lip balm or Vaseline with you anywhere you go. With any of the three, you will be able to keep your lips moisturized and protect your lips from blisters.

Use Body Scrub

During this period, your skin becomes very dry and tends to look very dull. Therefore, you need a body scrub to regularly scrub off dead cells that have gathered on your skin. The body scrub will help you clear off the dead cells and allow your body look fresh instead of looking dry and dull.

To survive this harmattan period, you should pay close attention to your body and your health. Drink a lot of water and feed on fruits containing water to stay hydrated. Apply body oil to your body and hair oil to your hair to stay moisturized. Apply lip gloss, lip balm or Vaseline to your lips to keep them from blisters. Then use body scrub to remove dead skin cells from your skin and keep your skin glowing fresh. Do all these and you will survive this harmattan period, healthy and happy.

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